July baby turned into a May baby (29 weeks and 5 days)


At my twenty eight week check up on a Friday, I mentioned that I had discharge and they asked what it looked like and I told them snot and asked if it had a odor and I told them no. The doctor gave me antibiotics and said my ph balance was probably off. The following Tuesday, we left to go to Dallas for a class. Dallas is five hours from where we live. Wednesday evening we went to bed early. I woke up a few hours later cramping. I took a hot bath to try to help. I texted my mom and asked if it was normal and she said no. I took another bath a few hours later after the first bath. I was able to go to sleep after that. The cramps gradually came back the next morning. Thursday night, I didn’t get much sleep because I was cramping. I figured it was Braxton Hicks because it was tolerable. Friday came and I was still cramping, but not as often. We drive back home, my fiance unloads the car and I start cleaning up a bit. Then I go take a bath to help with the cramps and I started to cry in the tub and got out. I sat on the toilet because I felt like I had to pee. Got up then had to sit back down because I felt like I had to go again. I had been doing that in Dallas as well but I figured she was just pushing in my bladder. I wiped and saw a little blood. Wiped again and seen more with mucus. We went in and they had me owe in a cup and hooked me up to the monitor. She comes back in and says I’m not having anything contractional and I had a bladder infection. I showed her the picture of my discharge and the blood and she said it was my mucus plug. She checked me and said I was Dilated, then she left the room. She came back in and I asked her how far, and she said 3 to 4 cm, I told my fiancé that we wouldn’t be leaving. They came back in and switch me into another bed and sent me to get an ultrasound to see if she was head down. They brought me back dilated, then she left the room. She came back in and I asked her how far, and she said 3 to 4 cm, I told my fiancé that we wouldn’t be leaving. They came back in and switch me into another bed and set me to get an ultrasound to see if she was head down then they brought me to a room. They hooked me up to a catheter and they had me lay down without really sitting up so I wouldn’t put too much pressure on my bottom because we were trying not to break the water bag. I had a little bit of bloody show that the nurses didn’t really clean and when the doctor came in the next morning he asked if I had gotten to take a shower and I told him know so he said that I could just not to let the water run on my breast. So I got to take the shower and I got up about four times to go potty then I started to have really slight cramps again and I told the nurse. So she checked me and she said I was about 7 to 8 cm then later on she said that there was hardly anything there so I was really probably about 9 cm. The nicu brought in their equipment and the nurses started getting their equipment ready for me to deliver. Of course I was crying, I was really scared. So there was no more getting up after that. They put the catheter back in and there was no sitting up either. I had to eat laying down. Which my fiancé had to help me with that because that was kind of hard to do, then when they c so there was no more getting up after that. They put the catheter back in and there was no sitting up either. I had to eat laying down. Which my fiancé had to help me with that because that was kind of hard to do. Monday morning came and my fiancé had to go to work because he had a loaner car to drive to Dallas in for his class from the dealership that he works at. I asked him around lunchtime to please come and then my mom went in after him because they both work at the same place and she stayed with me that morning. They gave me medicine to my IV that afternoon and I fell asleep. I remember my mom walking in after work and then I fell back asleep again and I remember her in my den go and get dinner for all of us and I woke up I was in more pain and I told my fiancé I didn’t think they should stay to eat at the restaurant. She came back with my fiancé nice dinner and by that point my fiancé had already called for the nurse because I wanted the medicine and I started moaning in pain and really crying so my mom went out there to get her. She came in and she asked what my pain level was I told her about a 7 to 8. So she said she had to check me. And I really don’t remember what dictated that it was tim she came in and she asked what my pain level was I told her about 7 to 8. So she said she had to check me. The contractions got really intense, she told me that I couldn’t have the medicine which was Demirel, and she went and got two of the other nurses. They started setting everything up, and I’m screaming in pain asking why couldn’t have the medicine, and she just told me if Took the medicine then it would just make me feel high it wouldn’t help, Took the medicine then it would just make me feel high it wouldn’t help, I knew I could not have it but I kept asking for some reason. They tilted me back And tried to get a hold of my doctor, I remember them calling him and I think paging and him and they had a hard time and I felt like it took him a long time to get there but I think it was only a few minutes. He came in and broke my water and in about five pushes my daughter was here. She was handed over to the nicu nurses and the neonatologist doctor, he let me hold her for a minute before he had to take her back. She weighed three pounds ten point four ounces at birth.

She been home seventeen days now and she just makes my heart so happy💚

Moving to an open crib after thirty nine days in the incubator

First time wearing clothes as well

Forty days in the nicu, finally able to come home with mommy and daddy

First week home with mommy and daddy💚

And more pictures💚