Appropriate gift for miscarriage please?


My close friend sadly found out when she went in for her first ultrasound that she had a blighted ovum (the baby never develops after implantation).

She went into surgery for the medical miscarriage early this week where she would have been around 12 weeks I think. As you can imagine, she is having a tough time emotionally coming to terms with this loss.

I would love to give her a tasteful appropriate gift to help her during this time. I thought an angel charm of some sort but then I thought even an angel ornament (you can buy beautiful ones sometimes at the jewellers) that way I can give it to both my friend, her husband & her little girl along with some chocolates.

Do you think this would be appropriate? I dont want to cause her/then anymore pain or buy flowers that may remind her of her loss whenever she gets some again.

I’m not sure if it would anyway but I just want her to know that her angel will always be watching over her & her family.

Suggestions please?