Saying goodbye to my son

August of last year I got pregnant (first baby) and My husband and I were so happy! I loved going to all my doctors appointments and hearing my little baby’s heart beat & seeing him. Well at the 20week ultrasound we found out he had Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 2 and that he would not be able to live very long outside of me. It’s a brittle bone disease; And he had fractures and breaks in his arms and legs. His chest was also

too small so he wouldn’t be able to breath like he should. I spent the next 19 weeks very upset that I would not get to keep my baby, but also happy that I had this time with him. I had him at 39 weeks on May22nd. He weighed 3pounds 10oz and was 14 inches long. He didn’t live very long, but it was the best few minutes of my life. I am now going on 8 weeks PP & we are trying for another baby. Our doctor said there is only a 2% chance of it happening again!!!! So we are ready for another one. If you have any good stories to help me stay positive that would be great!😊😊 Please send babydust our way. Oh and here are some pictures of our sweet boy!💙💙