Today my faith in humanity was restored


My father and stepmom flew in to South Florida to spend the week with my husband, myself and the new baby. As my husband is working during the week, the four of us (dad, stepmom, baby girl and me) went to our local outlet mall to do some light shopping. I have been baby-wearing since she was 2 weeks and my now 8 week loves her baby ktan. Towards the end of the trip baby woke up and needed to eat. Luckily we were in the carters outlet and I promptly sat down, pulled out a boob and fed her. I did not get a single dirty look or stare. Everyone just went about their business. (As they should) My dad and stepmom were looking for clothes for the baby as she’s already in 6 month old sizes and we were not prepared for 9 & 12 month old clothes. Baby rarely spits up so I didn’t grab a burp cloth out of the diaper bag, and wouldn’t you know it, she spit up all over my shoulder and down my back. An older woman walked right up to me, and grabbed the burp cloth I was trying to locate one handed and proceeded to wipe me down completely. All she said was “been there” and left with a smile.

Now baby was ready for a diaper change. I pulled open the front of the diaper bag with the changing pad attachment and fixed her up. One handed I tried to close the changing pad and pack up. A totally different lady walked right up and closed it all up. She said babies are a gift, sometimes you need an extra hand.

We hear a lot about the crappy people in our world. I wanted to express, there are some pretty great ones too. Let’s all be there for the other moms who just need a hand.