Ovulation help!


Hi all! I did two rounds of clomid followed two rounds of Femara and am now back on clomid for a total of 5 rounds of fertility meds. I feel like my ovulation is more out of whack than when i started. First round of clomid was normal, second round my period was an entire week late. First round of Femara seemed fairly normal but we were traveling so i couldn’t test a couple of the days and never got a peak opk, but i probably just missed it. Second round of Femara i got a positive opk on cd 7 which i thought was a false positive due to Femara but then i started my period on cd 17, so I’m guess that was a true positive. Switched back to clomid this month and according to Glow i got a positive on CD7, negative CD8, then almost positive twice today. I’m so confused! Going to keep testing and see what happens, but curious what everyone else’s experiences are.