never getting married

*venting* I am almost 29 weeks pregnant. my boyfriend has been married twice previously. we have been together for about 2 and a half years. he says that his commitment to me is just as good as a marriage, and that he won't abandon me or our unborn daughter. but I still want him to marry me. he got me pregnant- am I wrong for believing that the right thing for him to do is to atleast offer to marry me? we've talked about changing our last names, but I feel like I'm always the one pushing for it, I'm the one pushing to fill out the paperwork (more than a month ago). when I was on the way to the court house, my car broke down, and has been out of service since (a tad more than 2 weeks). he hasn't said anything more about it. it's important to me, but everytime I try to talk to him about it, he says that he wants me and our baby to take the name (his late father's name. (his mother remarried and he ended up taking the stepfather's name when he was a kid. he says he's always wanted to go back.). but to him, a name is a name, his isn't a big deal. So. he's made it clear that he has no interest in getting married. and it's going to be a fight to get him to put a name change higher on his priority list. at this point, I'm emotionally drained, and I only have enough money to cover one name change. I love him, I don't want to leave him over this, but it is so important to me. financially, I don't have the option to walk away, I have nowhere to go. I have no car. I don't know what to do. he got upset when I talked about the baby taking my name. I'm drained.