spotting on the pill

so i just started taking the pill and i’m almost done with my 2nd month. last month, my period was 3 days early and was a pretty heavy flow. (btw my periods last usually 6 days with a medium flow and light during the end) this month, my period was 2 days late and like a brown color and it was super slow and light. i thought my period was over because there hasn’t been anything in like 2 days and ofc, i just checked and know there’s brown discharge (?), i’m really not sure if it’s like old blood or something and if i should count this as spotting because it’s normal to spot in the first 3 months on the pill, or should i include this in my period, lol help. i’ve been feeling a little sick lately, idk if that had anything to do with this either. also, my boyfriend said i tasted different now that i’m on the pill?? is this normal? i’m thinking it’s just from the spotting because he said i tasted slightly metallic