Help! Mommas who’ve been through child custody battles due to drugs

Kassy • Lainey 3, Tommy 1, Kallie

So I had my son back in January. On the 28th of January, I found marijuana and scales and baggies in my husbands cars trunk. He didn’t get into trouble because he supposedly got rid of it. Then middle of March, I found 2 pounds of marijuana in my building at our new house. Wound up calling the police on my husband but they didn’t charge him with anything. He was evicted and my parents had to move in with me and my kids to help us because he took everything. Then on June 2nd, he got arrested for possession of cocaine charges.. I’ve allowed him to still see our son. I had to get a job to buy what I need for both of my kids because he hasn’t bought anything in months. Now he wants to take him by himself places but I do not trust him enough at this point and I feel like it’s going to lead to us going to court. I need tips from moms who’ve gone through the same thing. He’s got a bad past with drugs also.. any advice will help. Please no negativity... I’m also 16 weeks pregnant..