Just the small things that take my heart!

gg • Married💞 Momma of a little boy & glitter girl. Dog mom! 🐶

My husband usually works til a little after midnight and he knows I can’t sleep unless he’s beside Me. He never understood about insomnia or anything but he also never understand why I couldn’t just fall asleep without him either. So anyways my husband has to work a night shift tonight. At 3am and he was trying to go to bed early and he just couldn’t sleep. He came out of the room while I was trying to get our son to bed, he says honey I can’t sleep and I said would it help if I went to bed now and he said yes I think so 😍😍😍 I laid down and took our son in our room for the night and he fell right asleep 🤗🤗🤗 just warms my heart knowing my hubs needed me to fall asleep quicker. I love him so much! It just reminds me of the little things that are so special. That’s all :D I’m a happy 35week pregnant women tonight!