I did it!!!


I found out today I am going to get my🌈 baby..

It’s been a horrible few years..

*Chemical pregnancy September 2016👼🏻

*Miscarriage at 8 weeks after I had already told my family, including my 11 year old daughter

August 21, 2017 👼🏻

* Miscarriage at 13 weeks and 5 days

February 13, 2018🙏🏻👼🏻🌈

*after trying for so long and with every month end with tears, i was starting to lose myself so I told my self that this was going to be the last month that I was going to chart everything.. a few weeks ago I started thinking I was pregnant... and after the long wait.. I am.. I could not even wait until morning to test.. I had to test as soon as I got home.. and I almost tossed it without looking at it just because I thought it would be a negative.. I am planning on taking another one in the morning, just because I so excited and I was to see how dark the line will be, I should be 5 week and 1 day.. I pray for a healthy 9 months..🤰🏻🌈👶🏻