It’s breaking me and I hate it


I have never been one to let things get to me. I’ve never been depressed and always usually upbeat...

This miscarriage has broke me. I seriously think about it every single day. My moods are so up and down. My family doesn’t know about it, only my husband and I do and all they keep talking about it why I haven’t had kids yet. I want a child so badly but it just hasn’t happened for us yet. Plus everyone around me keeps getting pregnant. I never cared before but after this miscarriage it feels like I’m so bitter toward anyone getting pregnant that I make myself frustrated. How selfish am I to be so jealous and bitter toward other’s happiness. I seriously am so tired of feeling this way. It’s been 3 months since the MC and I don’t think this feeling is going away anytime soon. I find so much comfort in all of you because we can relate to each other. I just needed to write this out because I’ve been holding in so many feelings it’s slowly killing my spirit. 😔❤️👼🏼

I’m thinking and praying about all of us who have lost a baby. It’s never easy. ❤️❤️❤️