It’s “probably” a girl!

Johanna • 22/ student/ animal lover

I went for my 20 week scan yesterday, everything went fine and the baby is healthy, apart from the fact I have to come back for another scan at 36 weeks. My placenta is low and blocking the exit but she said it may well move as time goes by so I’m not too worried!

HOWEVER, when we asked what the sex was she said “Well I can’t see anything that would indicate that it’s a boy, so it’s probably a girl!”

She wouldn’t say it’s a girl unless she was fairly sure right? Is she just saying probably to cover her back in the small chance she might be wrong?

It was so vague and it’s driving me crazy!

My partner said he had a better view of the screen and he swears it’s definitely a girl so that’s what we’ve told our friends. Was that a mistake?

How confusing!

I didn’t get a picture of the downstairs area for reference but I thought it’d be nice to show my scan regardless :-)