OPKs were wrong!! Also, question about ovidrel.


This is my third round of clomid, and I had a blazing positive opk on both the Clearblue advanced and the regular strip on day 18....but my bbt didn’t reflect ovulation on day 19, 20, or even 21. Frustrated, I went to see a fertility specialist yesterday, and he confirmed that I had not ovulated (stupid OPKs). However, I did have one mature follicle, so he prescribed ovidrel and told me to baby dance the next two days after taking ovidrel. I asked if I should baby dance the day of ovidrel, but he swore up and down that I wouldn’t ovulate until 36 hours after the injection. I gave myself the injection yesterday and...just to be on the safe side...did the deed with my husband around 8:30 last night. This morning (4:30am, when I always temp), my bbt spiked! I’m confused....does ovidrel cause false spikes in bbt the day after taking it? Or did I ovulate early despite the doctor’s confidence that I wouldn’t ovulate for 36 hours? If I did ovulate, hopefully the sperm had enough time to get to where they need to be?