Name help!

B. • 💍&👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 + 🎀 coming 11/19/18

So, my husband and I are expecting our 3rd girl.

We are also in the knock down drag out battle stage over names 😂 I told him yesterday “I wish we could pick a name for our kids as easily as it is for us to conceive them!!”

I like Emma Marie

He likes Lainey Marie

(I told him no on this because my mothers middle name is Elaine and seeing how I haven’t seen her in 14 years, I’m not naming my kid after her in any way shape or form. He’s big on family names.)

We have Layla Rose and Olivia Mae already. Rose came from Titanic ;) and Mae came from his mom’s middle name.

I want Marie as a middle name after my sister and Grandma :) but open to other ideas.

He prefers an L theme (we call Olivia “Liv”).

I prefer not to name this kid an L name but want a short, sweet name. ... like Emma Marie lol.

Any ideas? Hit us with L names and short sweet not L names 😂