Does your marriage effect relationship with in laws?


My husband pissed me off last night and I’m so mad and annoyed with him. But this morning we have plans to go hang out with his family. His family and I have not always had the best relationship but I have gotten to a place where I can be cordial and make it work for the sake of our kids being super excited when they get cousin time. Only thing is, my patience is close to none for them when I can’t even stand my husband right now!! Anyone else go through this! What do you do? Go anyway? The kids will ask why I’m not going if I don’t. What would you do? My husband is the worst at apologizing so our fights get dragged out super long when all I want is to hear the words “im sorry” and to make up with him. But instead I have to bite my tongue and pretend to be happy in front of his family when I really want to bite his head off right now 😑