Cleft lip? 13 wk ultrasound

Mia • 35yrs old. Married. Dog Mom. Baby boy - Jan 2019! PCOS. Irregular cycles. TTC for baby #2 🙏🏽

I’m soo worried after my ultrasound yesterday. I’m 13 weeks and it look to me like my baby’s has a cleft lip. I think by now the lips would have fused together if they were going to. in my ultrasound image it looks like there is a gap. Look at the image sideways, the baby is facing forward.

Ps. And baby kinda looks like an alien at this point 👽

What do you think? Cleft lip or am I imaging things?

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A. They would have told you if they had any suspicions.B. It’s too early to tell!!!


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The baby is going to look sort like a alien at that stage the baby still growing and progressing every day and as far as the baby Lip you can’t really tell the baby is still developing and I’m sure if something is wrong you will be told at your anatomy scan at 20 weeks


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Too early to tell I just had my 20 wk scan done where they checked for cleft lip...don’t work yourself up I’m sure baby is fine


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I can’t quite remember, but I think their faces are fully formed around 24ish weeks. So, you still have a ways to go! Also, my doctor’s office ultrasound liability waiver said that it’s often you won’t be able to detect a cleft lip on an ultrasound, so it’s not likely that’s what you’re seeing. Even my front facing 2D ultrasound from 20 weeks is a little alien looking.


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no way to tell from this


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They all look like that at 13 weeks...


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you wont be able to tell this early don't worry yourself


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It’s too early to tell anything. The baby is still developing all over