Low hormone levels, ?ectopic pregnancy

Kay • Mummy to my 2 beautiful children 💙(2016) 💕(2021) and 6 angel babies 👼

So I have just spent the day in hospital. I worked a night shift in my local maternity unit and started getting sharp lower right sided pain. Quickly I was seen by the dr’s, had bloods taken and a scan urgently requested. They admitted me to the surgical ward thinking the pregnancy was ectopic, they were able to rule out ectopic thankfully, but as of right now it’s of unknown viability. I had a small sac measuring 4-5mm but that’s all they could tell us. When the consultant came to review me she said one of my hormone levels was a bit low but didn’t say which one. As of right now I have a 50/50 chance of things going the way we want and I’m to return if I get any bleeding or the pain gets worse.

Has anyone had low hormone levels in a previous pregnancy and everything been ok with the baby?