Sneezing, coughing, throwing up

Kathryn Elizabeth • 🤰🏻+👼🏼+🙏🏼+⏳+👨‍👧+🐶🐶+💍+🏡+🤰🏻+👨‍👩‍👧‍👦+🤰🏻 Athena Lynn 09/03/13 Brandon Paige Jr. 11/30/18 Baby Zoey Due 04/20/20

Is anyone else having some pain around their hips when they sneeze, cough or throw up?

Lately I have a lot of pressure around my hips and uterus and it starts to hurt sometimes and then when I sneeze, cough or throw up the pain shoots through and it makes me wanna tear up. Is this normal?

I’m 18 weeks 1 day pregnant with my first. And he’s a boy, I don’t know if that makes a difference.