What should I do???


This will be a pretty long post ( please bare with me) but I just HAVE to vent and let it out, because I am driving myself crazy!!

So a little background story. I have a cousin ( 3 months younger than me) she is who I considered my very best friend growing up. We are now 25 and it took me 24 years to realize she is actually a really horrible friend who NEVER cares about my feelings and is VERY selfish! A year ago she found out she was pregnant ( I was happy for her) 2 months later I found out I was pregnant ( not planned at the time, a total surprise) but I ended up losing my baby 4 days after I found out I was pregnant!

Of course a little jealously came over me, but I didn’t show it or let it known around my cousin cause I didn’t want to take her excitement away from her! After she found out I miscarried she never text me to check on me or anything. I text her from time to time to check on her pregnancy but she would never speak of my miscarriage! Maybe there was a reason she never did, but still I was hurt over it! Fast forward to today, her baby is now 5 months old and I am still in TTC, dealing with major depression ( which no one but my husband knows about). Found out a week ago that she is pregnant again!! At this point I’m just over it because I can not mentally handle it! Ive been avoiding her for my own sanity and mental health, but I ended up being around her last night ( not by choice) and of course she is talking up a storm about this pregnancy and someone mentioned names, and she said they had 3 names picked out if it’s a boy and she named 2 and then the 3rd she said “ Noah” ( she said that was the one they are more fund of) and at the moment I felt sick because my husband and I have had that named picked out for our boys name ever since our miscarriage a year ago! My husband immediately said “ that’s gonna be our little boys name too” and my cousin and her husband looked at us like they could kill us! I have been physically sick and depressed over this! Cause I have been praying for a little boy to be able to call him Noah since he would be our rainbow baby. She just doesn’t care! Im just honestly ready to call my life quits idk what to do!!!???