Careless friend! *TW - abortion mentioned*

I’m at my wits end with my best friend it’s like I’ve tried so hard to be constructive and honest with her and she just takes it as I’m attacking her so is it time to cut contact? She has two children and she spit with their father two years ago. She was with him for 8 years but before him she was very “loose”. She had a reputation for sleeping around but obviously that’s her business who am I to judge. After him she began sleeping around again. I was with her when I met my boyfriend and we’d often double date the only thing was every time he’d bring a different friend for her and every time she’d sleep with that friend which meant she was sleeping with a different guy all from the same circle pretty much every other week! Again each to their own but it doesn’t look good. 9 months into my relationship I got pregnant and I ended up going through a termination because my boyfriend didn’t want a child. I shouldn’t have done it, I didn’t want to do it but I felt I didn’t have a choice. Before the procedure I was struggling with the decision I expressed to my best friend how I felt and she kept telling me I’m a terrible person and she would show me google images of abortions. After the abortion I really struggled and went into a deep depression. Three months after my abortion my friend found out she was pregnant but she’d had unprotected sex with 2 men in the space of a week so she had no idea who the father was. I stuck by her all the way through I told her how the abortion affected me and said I wouldn’t wish that emotional pain on my worst enemy but I told her I would support her in any decision she made. I opened up to her and it opened up the wounds that were only just starting to heal. She told me she wouldn’t have the abortion but then avoided me and did it anyway. Her choice so whatever. She kept making jokes afterwards about it that she doesn’t care at all and she’d do it again. Fast forward five months and she was now sleeping with another guy and got pregnant again. There was no question this time she was getting rid of it, again I supported her taking her to her appointments and staying with her through the procedure. A week after that she was having unprotected sex with a different guy! And a few days after she got severe cramps and started bleeding she called me so I had to leave work and take her to the hospital. I sat in the room with her whilst the nurses explained to her what an abortion was and how it affects the body, how it’s going against nature and how our bodies have already created a bond at conception. It made me so emotional, I said to her afterwards how awful I felt listening to that, she was like “I felt awful cos I was just thinking I don’t fucking care”. That was 6 months ago and she’s still doing the same stuff! Having unprotected sex then saying “I better not be pregnant”. I can’t take anymore! I know I can’t control what she does but she always falls back on me to support her through her mistakes and it’s so triggering for me! I’m four months pregnant at the moment and I couldn’t be happier but her comments and her actions are really getting under my skin!