Holy Hormones, Batman!


I'm currently 5DPO on my first round of Clomid (50mg CD3-7) and I have transformed into some sort of hormone induced monster? I had a few hot flashes when I was actually taking the pills, but for the most part that was it... for a few days. Ever since ovulation I have been having hot flashes like crazy and have just been an emotional wreck. One second I'm fine, then two seconds later I'm a giant flaming ball of rage, then I'm crying over some stupid little thing. And oh my freaking goodness, my boobs hurt so bad!!! I have PCOS and we're pretty sure I wasn't ovulating on my own, but for a few months I had regular seeming cycles and those months I'd always have a little breast tenderness for a few days before my period, but this is some next level shiz. It's not constant pain, but it has been happening on and off all day every day since I ovulated and it hurts like no other!!

My poor husband! Has to deal with my minutely meltdowns and can't touch the girls (one of his favorite activities) because they hurt so bad most of the time lately and this is all before I'm pregnant (if I even get pregnant that is). Do any of you ladies that have had similar experiences on Clomid have any advice? What did you do for the boob pain? Did it lessen with following cycles (I'm guessing if you ended up pregnant it just got worse)? How did you keep from being an emotional wreck?