

So I go back to work Monday and I’ve been EBF and I’ve been terrible with pumping so my plan is to pump that day for the next day and welllllll I ended up getting a stupid UTI and I did all I could to fight it on my own and needed antibiotics anyway and pharmacist told me to pump and dump and not BF my baby until I’m off my antibiotics and 24 hours afterwards. The meds are only 3 days so only 4 days I can’t bf my baby but I’m crushed bc these are my last two days before work and not only am I leaving him in two days but I have to deny him breastfeeding and watching him scream and cry for it has absolutely broken my heart. My husband has to feed him the bottles of formula bc he won’t take them from me. The doctor said this antibiotic is okay while breastfeeding but my husband doesn’t want to chance it. I’m just crying constantly today. I feel like an awful momma not being able to comfort and feed my baby the way he’s used to and on top of that leaving him for work on Monday 😭😭😭😭