5 mos after D&C. TTC but BFN

How long til you get your BFP after a miscarriage? That was my 1st pregnancy and upto now I am still grieving and hurt. My husband is moving on but everytime I have BFN it just crushed me into pieces 😔 I get so mad at the world...my poor husband has to go through all my mood swings.

Also I was told I have bicornuate uterus per ultrasound when I was at ED for bleeding (miscarriage few mos back) but when I returned after my D&C; follow up. OB said “it looks like you don’t have bicornuate uterus” he was only using regular doppler USD. When do I have to call OB for help with conceiving? It is very upsetting and I know stress is not helping my situation. Any advice?