13 dpo and two days until AF


Well I'm 13 dpo today and I'm trying not to count myself out already. I know I'm not suppose to check a HPT until July 16 but I've been checking it for the last two days and both time were negative. On my 12 dpo, I had a terrible headache that lasted all day and dulled until my 13 dpo morning. I really don't know where that came from. Now, today I've been having mild cramping in my right lower abdominal, a little backache with a little bloating and some gas, breasts been tender for the last two days, and these hot flashes are killing me with this hot weather. All of this could be because of the progesterone that I on since July 2 but it could be my AF trying to show it's ugly head. I don't know. Maybe I just needed to vent to you guys what's going on and pray that this second <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> worked this time. What do you guys time? I know I have two days to know something but do you think I could still have a chance with all these symptoms I'm having today?