endometriosis hrt & pregnancy


hi girls. i have stage 4 endo. for the last 11 months ive been on HRT (prostap every 4 weekly) due to have hysterectomy. i last had an injection 23rd april. i was then late having my next one...i tested cause i had pregnancy symptoms (early june) got negatives so thought nothing of it and went onto have my next prostap injection 19th june. i done a few tests today/yesterday and there all positive. normal symptoms tired/sick/sore boobs/headaches does anyone know the effects of prostap on a baby? anyone been through it and babys been fine? i could be anywhere from 5-9 weeks pregnant if it fell in the time i missed my prostap but had another injection since then! all i know is it could cause a baby to have defects 1in25. spoke to consultant he said i have to be led by the fetal medical team now and have a scan asap im so scared and nervous xx