
Mercedes • 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

I really need advice. I've been with my boyfriend on and off for almost four years. It was perfect for the first couple of years. I was so in love with him. I still am but he's a completely different person, and not in a good way. we argue more and he always says I start it. He never admits he's wrong. He's lied to me and continues to. today we went to my family cookout, all he did was sit there, my family tried to talk to him and he gave them very small, short answers. Barely helped with the baby (we have a 4 month old son) and left early because he didnt want to be there anymore. We argued in the car and he told me I constantly make myself look stupid for getting back together with him. We got home and I apologized. He wouldn't touch me because he's apparently sick. He wouldn't do anything with me. His neighbor invited all of us to his wife's birthday party, he doesn't wamt me and the baby to go. He told me he was just going to be there for a little while for fireworks but told me he wasnt leaving yet. 10 seconds later his friend and some girl walk in and he gets up so fast, picks up his shoes, doesn't say anything amd walks out. I don't have anybody to talk to, I feel like he doesn't respect or appreciate me, I need advice. Or am I overreacting ?