Trying too hard?

My husband of six years left me. He says he still loves and cares for me, but is done with our marriage. Not too long after he left, he met a woman thru a online game and started talking to her. They eventually met in person (live in different states) and spent a week together. I want to reconcile and work on our marriage, but he says he doesn't want to. We have had sex several times since he came back from his trip, and he feels bad every time saying he doesn't want to use me. I still feel that we are married and I have needs as well. We talked for a long time tonight about a lot of things, and while I understand things better than when he first left, I still don't understand why he won't give me another chance to try and fix our marriage. We have had our problems like any other couple, but for me, they weren't as insurmountable as he seems too think. We share the blame as to why our marriage feel apart, though. I still love him. I want our family to be whole again. Am I trying to hard to win him back? Should I try harder? I don't expect anyone to really give me answers. You don't have enough info to base a response on. I'm just using this as a way to vent. I don't have anyone to really talk to. None of my friends have gone through anything like this. I just wish everything was different.