Birth control help?!?

Emily • EH🖤

So, I'm thinking about getting on birth control, more so to help with my periods than actually having birth control. At the moment, my period is a full 7 days and is SUPER heavy, and I just need a break 😂. I'm 16, and haven't had sex which is why I'm a little apprehensive about getting the mirena IUD. Never been on birth control before so I don't even know how my body will react to the hormones and I'm all a bit flustered. I'm not really for the pill, I doubt I'd be able to get into a routine with it, and the shot just doesn't seem worth it hence why I'm thinking IUD. Can any of you give me some past experiences or at least what to expect if I did get it done? Because I'm a virgin I was nervous that getting it done would hurt more? Please help 😂