Time of BBT


I want to start using BBT again, but I’m not sure if I will get reliable results this time around.

My son is 10.5 months, and going through a bit of a sleep regression- on top of teething. He’s waking 2-3 times per night, and I’m often getting up around 4 A.M., and then again around 6:30 A.M. for the day. I’m concerned that with such an inconsistent sleep schedule, the temp I take at 6:30 A.M. will not be reliable, since I may not have been fully “resting” for very long at that point. I suppose I could temp at the 4 A.M. wake up, but since that is also inconsistent, I feel like I’d be in the same boat.

Does anyone have experience with this? (I also plan on using OPKs again, but I like the added info from BBT)