Someone please help me..

I just need to get these feelings out.. And see if all this is normal or not.  Okay this is going to be long so I apologize in advance. My and husband got married last week. July 10th. We are supposed to be happy. We aren't. He keeps getting mad at me. We argue and fuss. He gets mad over stupid stuff today he got mad because i didn't want to have sex and I told him it was getting annoying that he kept trying after I had said no. And he started to say sorry. But then he started to grip at me for having my hair in a bun.. So I just walked out. And then I came in and told him this is it I can't do it and he said sorry no more arguing but that's what he ALWAYS says and then it always happens again and I'm doing everything I can to just keep the peace. We seriously just got married I'm sure this is not supposed to be happening! I feel like I have to beg for his attention, love, and just to not argue! And it's hard because a month after we got together we moved to Texas for financial reasons to be close to his mom and I have no one here. No family or friends, and I'm supposed to be in counseling for depression and ptsd. but he won't take me to get my insurance.. I'm just at a lose..