Addicted to Pornography


My boyfriend is addicted to porn. It wasn’t such a big deal when we first got together but now (3 years later) it’s gotten WAY worse. It’s constant. Every chance he gets. And no, he’s not jacking off to it ALL the time, but about 85% of the time, he is. He is also on a lot of medication for congestive heart failure which basically gives him Erectile dysfunction. So he has a hard time, keeping it up and especially getting off. So it’s hours of work to get him off. But the main problem is that he’s watching porn ALL THE TIME and it’s so awkward and uncomfortable for me. I’ve communicated this to him but it doesn’t seem to phase him. I’ve even sent him bible studies about how porn affects relationships and how to overcome that addiction but he just writes it off and gets upset with me for addressing it. What do I do?