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I’m trying to come up with a way to honor both of my grandmothers without using their names. Their names are Glennes and Ruthann. Why Grace? A: Grace starts with G as does Glennes and Ruthann means (friend, Grace, favor). Why Ruby? A: Glennes was born in July (Ruby birthstone) and Ruthann starts with R and the Rue sound like Ruby. So what do you think. If middle names make a difference we have chosen Grace Luila (Lou-eye-luh) was my Great Aunt who passed on a tornado with two of three of her babies😭. I’d call her Gracey Lu for short! For Ruby, I like Ruby Madeline (Mad-uh-line), Ruby Claire, Ruby Elise, Ruby Maxine (after my Great Grandmother who is still living at 90 years old!) and Ruby Olivia. Thanks for the votes and comments!

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