I don't think he wants me anymore.

I usually don't post anything on here. But at this time I have no one else to talk to and i feel like its the perfect time to talk to you ladies, and get some advice. I've been seeing this guy for a little over 3 months. After 2 months he said he was falling for me and I'm not gonna lie I was falling for him too. For the past 3 weeks he was acting strange. He wouldn't call before work(since he can't have his phone on him), he forgot to pick me up for work, he cancelled breakfast on my birthday( he said he had a family emergency). On Thursday we had made plans so we can see each other on Saturday. He never showed up. I called 4 times, texted 3 times just to see if he was ok. As time passes I can tell he doesn't want to be with me anymore. At this point I think I know what you're thinking. I should get over it, there's more men out there. I've been alive for 23 years, even though I have had sex with other men, this was the first time I saw a FUTURE with someone, and now I don't know what to do or how to react. I feel weak. I've never been in so much pain before until now.