I feel lost

I’m at my wits end. My so just dosent seem to care about how I feel ever. I’m really not a damandin person I love and will do anything and everything for this man. I am trying so hard to be a good house wife, even though I’m not his wife. We do have six months old baby. All I ever hear is how he is making all the money and I should have his house clean (witch I do I try really hard to please him and keep him happy in anyway I can I get the laundry done every night. We don’t have a dishwasher I always try to have the dishes done, I don’t mind doing this for him I would love nothing more than to be a housewife and take care of our baby my dream has to always been to be a great mother. And keep this house spotless for him. I am not a great cook I do try to have dinners done for him every night and I do that arnt five start but I’m trying I was never really to taught to cook. Of course I can follow directions but I mean like planning well balanced meals I need to work on. I’m not perfect by any means at all but I really try I do) I also try to please him multiple times a day whenever he asks. I also take care of our daughter full time with little to no help because as he says this is what u signed up for being a mom. I also take care of his other daughter one day a week with little to no help. He is just always on his phone looking at Facebook or whatever. He hasn’t ever cheated he tells me loves me but yet he will say I don’t believe in true love you can make it work with anyone. ( witch I do believe in true love) he told me the other day I don’t keep a clean house that’s the least I can do if I’m not going to have a job. I told him today I wasn’t excited about one of his friends coming over to drop some stuff off when he is gone because I don’t like this friend n niether dose he he didn’t want to get his stuff tonight so now I haft to deal with it. And then that turned into he hates when my family comes over. Witch my family means everything he is gone all week working he didn’t haft to pay for a thing for our baby because my family took care of everything. He is his ex girlfriends bitch because he won’t get a parenting plan. I seriously try to do everything I can to make him happy I love him so much and he just makes me feel alone and broken like a piece of shit. This stuff is just the start of it. I juts need to have some opinions about it. If I’m just being a little bitch about things and should just suck it up or what. At this point I’m scatting ask for money ( witch I have had to because I saved up before our baby was born) and I’m starting to get seriously depressed because I just want some appreciation and love back instead I feel like I’m constantly being put down for how I feel.this man is my best friend and I talk to my family because I don’t them to judge him. I’m just lost I need advice.