Boy-Friend’s Birthday Present


So my Friend who is a boy has his Birthday this Saturday (in five days), he’s turning 15, and I have a bag of presents for him ready.

But the problem is I don’t think I can give it to him on time because we don’t go to the same school and my parents are strict so I can’t go out and give it to him. Btw my parents don’t want me to meet up w him let alone give him gifts :(

I was planning to put it in the mailbox to post it over but they don’t accept parcels...

I was then planning for one of my friends going to his Saturday class to give it to him, but apparently he never attends that anymore

I could give it to him next debating round but that would be 3 week’s belated and idk why but I feel a little sad it’s belated

I’ll probably have to end up giving it belated. I just think the feeling will be better if its on time but all my options seem belated sadly

Any help? 💕