I’d like to start out by saying me and my mum are really close, she is one of my best friends and I couldn’t ask for a better Mum and future grandma to my little one!


Since telling her that I was pregnant (at 5 weeks) she has been nothing but a nightmare and an emotional wreck!

She’s always wanted to be a grandparent and this will be her first grandchild, so I really do understand that she’s just so excited she just doesn’t know what to do with herself, however I just can not cope with the constant sobbing and referring to the baby as ‘hers’ and ‘ours’, I’ve actually lost count of the amount of times I’ve told her that this baby is mine and my partners but she just laughs it off.

She has always said that she’s wanted to be my birthing partner, along with my other half, and I’ve always been on board with that idea but right now I honestly couldn’t think of anything worse! I’ve told her she’s on probation and if she doesn’t calm down and back off she’s not coming in but I don’t think she realised I was being serious

I always thought it would be my MIL who would be hard work but she’s been absolutely fantastic, I just wish my mum would back off a little and let me breathe!

I know I’m probably over reacting and sound awful but I don’t know how much more of it I can take before I flip!