Is it inappropriate??

Not here for judgment, just seeking guidance from those with experiences that I currently lack!

I’m a 20 year old woman and I have a 43 year old married male coworker. He and I have gotten along really well since I started at my job and enjoy talking about movies, meditation, books, and science. A couple of times now he’s taken me out for billiards and beer after work and it’s been really fun. Last night we went and when I started to leave he said something along the lines of “I almost said I was in love with you, but no- I ~would’ve~ been in love with you. I’m very lucky to have met my wife, though.” He then talked about how great his wife was, then how he found me to be mature and my company enjoyable.

I took all this as very innocent and sweet, but I mentioned it to my male roommates and they said I was oblivious. As someone who doesn’t know what boundaries a marriage has, would you consider this inappropriate?