type 1 herpes/ HSV1

i have never been with anyone else my entire life. i’ve only ever kissed one boy, have had sex with that one boy, and have been with him in other ways. my boyfriend of a year and a half has the oral herpes type 1 virus. we were both unaware of it and he’s went down on me countless amount of times and i now have it. we have had unprotected sex before the outbreak. i’m only 16 and i don’t know how to live with myself. i’m extremely stressed and embarrassed and mortified and i don’t know how to get through this and live the rest of my life with this. i don’t know what to do. i haven’t told my parents and i haven’t gotten a chance to talk with my boyfriend. i don’t know what any of this means for the remainder of my life or how to deal with it. i’m so scared and embarrassed. if i do have any other partner at all in my life, they won’t want anything to do with me. i really don’t know what to do i’m so scared i will never feel or be seen as normal.