Does it sound like I could still be pregnant?

Here are facts.

• I had withdrawal sex at the end of April after a missed combination BC pill

• I had some pelvic cramping the week before my period came which doesn't happen every cycle but has happened before

• I got a period but it was lighter and shorter than usual

• Tested negative three days after it ended

• Took urine test at doctors later that week it was negative

• tested two weeks later, negative

• had another period that was normal

• switched birth control pills

• tested again, negative

• went to doctor to get Nexplanon 3 weeks later. Tested negative again

• Had a period two days later than usual but normal.

• my chest seems more veiny

• my nipples are a bit darker, one more than the other

Does pregnancy still seem viable at this point?

I'll be talking with my doctor tomorrow since I can't seem to calm down.