I need opinions 🤭


Hi all.. My original engagement ring broke and I had it set aside to fix and never got to it. When I went to get it to bring it in(I had a warranty), I could not find it! I asked my fiancé and he had told me he handed it to me a night we went out🤦🏼‍♀️ Now I do not remember this at all. I had a little too much to drink and I haven’t found it for the life of me!!!! To be honest material possessions don’t really phase me and I don’t typically wear jewelry. I ended up buying a $10 replacement for the time being. Well it had been a few months and I decided I’d try to find a ring similar to my original( I had picked it out and known it’s worth). It’s also sapphire- the birth stone of our son. Anwayyyy, I found one similar online. It was ALOT cheaper- money wise. I just got it in today and I’m not sure how I feel about it. The stone is slightly larger than original, and the blue isn’t quite right because this one is not genuine sapphire.😢 I feel kinda silly. I’m not sure if I should return it or do you think it looks ok? I got so many compliments from my last ring and feel this one doesn’t compare. But again I realize it’s just a ring. What do you ladies think???🤦🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️

Left:original Right: new