words for my daughter

Kymberly • 🐘 Momma to an angel, Nadya 07/07/18 🧚

Words to my daughter


Heart broken

Empty arms

Something so precious...just gone





What would you have been? An artist? A musician? A gamer? Would you have liked sports? I liked soccer, would you have or would baseball have more been your sport?

Would you have been outgoing and social butterfly? Or more content on being yourself and quiet?

I know you were brilliant and strong...would you have done martial arts with your Uncle Ray?

Would you have been funny, sarcastic as I am...or more logic and sensible like your father?

I know you would have been blonde, blue eyes... probably curly hair and full of smiles

Would you have watched football with me on the weekends in the fall? What would have been your team?

What would have been your favorite cereal, soda, or candy?

What animal would you have loved…(as long as it wasn't spiders I would accept your choice)

What would have been your favorite color?

All these questions I never will get the chance to know or ask...as I would have watched you grow and seen... instead I just get to wonder with empty arms how you would have been, and what brilliance you are..I wasn't worthy to have you here but I am proud of you and who you became...I will love you always as you're my favorite person

Momma loves you so much 💓