Feel like crap


I'm being whiney. 4w6d. I've had nausea on and off all day. No puking yet, but feeling blah. To make matters worse, I feel like I'm coming down with the flu. I'm achey all over and have a 99.5° temp. I know that's not technically a fever yet (RN here) but I've got the chills and my face feels like its blazing.

To make matters more confusing- I don't know who I'll call about it. I'm being followed by a RE at a fertility center until I'm 8 weeks. I haven't seen and or spoken to my OB yet(with the exception to schedule my first appointment in 5 weeks). I could also call my PCP.

I feel like crap and everything hurts and I'm whining and can't take anything except tylenol.

update: went to the ER because my fever spiked to 101.2°. Turns out I have strep throat. This sucks. Thankfully hubby is headed to pick up my antibiotics at a 24hr pharmacy.

I'll call the RE tomorrow to let them know and ask if they want me to do anything special. First US is a week from tomorrow.