My period is late by 23 days


No type of symptoms. Took 2 pregnancy test they come out negative and blanks. The freaky part is when exactly 23 days ago I had unprotected sex. Also the same day my bf broke an egg with twin yolks. I’m not trying to be superstitious, but that means pregnancy/ death. I looked up the possible due date and it says April 4th. He is an Aries, the baby, if I am pregnant will be an Aries, hence “twins” in reference to the egg yolk myth. Idk the whole point is I’m freaking out. He doesn’t know and I won’t tell him. I’m scared he will run away and never look back. Then when I asked him about it he said he was going to deal with it if he ever got someone pregnant. What do I do? Is it too early to detect a pregnancy? Oh and I usually don’t bloat like this.