Extremely anxious and depressed

I have e so much going on In my life right now and I'm so depressed. So I know this isn't a direct result to being pregnant but I do this its making it worse.

I'm right now going to court for old legal issues that are just now being drug to court-this could end up badly for me and the stress is enormous, I recently lost my job and am having the most difficult time finding a new one-Ive gotton no call backs from 4 interviews- its very discouraging and disheartening. The babies father and I are now only living off his income which is just under $800/month-that's trying to buy a car and buy everything for baby and save up for are own place since we had to move back in with his family. And we have virtually no support from my family or from his-other then us living here- which isn't really any help at all since we are paying $350 in rent anyway. And its a toxic poisonous environment (family members using drugs, etc.)

It was like everything bad happened all at once and was literally the worst time to get pregnant. I thought about abortion/adoption in the beginning but I could never live with myself after either one. I need my baby with me. Now I find myself wondering if that was the wrong choice.

This is supposed to be a wonderful time in my life but its literally been the worst. I can't enjoy it at all because all I can do is worry and cry. I need a car, my own place, a job, and everything for baby by December or shortly after.

I refuse to give up on making the best life possible for this child and I. But I'm running out of hope, feeling defeated, and starting to think its just not possible, especially with the limited finances at the moment.