Do I have Endo????


Hey guys! I’m 23 and I’ve been having pains during sex since I was 18. Ive lost count of how many times my boyfriend has had to rush me into the ER because I’m screaming and crying in pain. I could never afford insurance (and I’m scared to be honest) so I haven’t seen a specialist yet. The only answers I’ve gotten have been “might be a cyst/ruptured cyst”. Often I bleed after/during sex as well when my period isn’t due yet. Just recently I’ve started researching more, as I’ve been getting more symptoms and as the pain during sex hasn’t gone away. These are my symptoms and have been for a long time now.. (years) but progressive getting worse as time goes on.

Cramping gets worse it seems every month my period arrives (and not to mention the mood swings and my mental health as a whole), painful bowel movements, random sharp pains in my vagina, rectum and lower abdomen, weight gain, fatigue, heartburn, excessive gas and belching after meals, pain with sex, constipation, bloating, mild nausea.

Also, what would you ladies recommend for someone who doesn’t have health insurance? Price ranges? Should I see a GYNO or just head to an Endo specialist right away? Any site sources for affordable specialists?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!!! ❤️