Obsessive Friend

So this is just a rant and it’s kind of long but here we go. It’s anon because I don’t know the extent of which this girl has tabs on me lol.

My husband has had this female “best friend” since middle school. When we first began dating, she was super super nice. Her and my husband would talk every couple months and she would always make comments about how happy she was that he found me, that I was pretty, etc etc. I was pretty proud of this because I thought she was an important figure in his life. Fast forward to two years later, I’m heavily pregnant with mine and my husband’s first child. I actually meet this friend for the first time. The three of us go to dinner. She’s nice, not really the type of person I befriend in the past but I just think I’m moody and hormonal and am just happy to have a new friend. She goes to my baby shower, she comes to the hospital to see our new baby. Everything’s fine and dandy. This is when she starts making posts on social media. Every so often she would randomly post pictures of us at the shower, or pictures we sent her, on her social media with a heartfelt message. We haven’t seen her and we only talk to her every few months but we thought it was kind of sweet. I don’t really post on social media much, but when I would post a picture of my son she would comment on it and say “he’s the love of my life” “auntie loves him” or just a simple “send me more pictures”. This is when I started to get annoyed. She would randomly FaceTime me with no ask or warning. Every few months she texts me, see how we’re doing, ask for pictures and then tell me something dramatic was going on in her life. 3 times in the last 2 months she has told me she was in the hospital for a high fever with no explanation. Most recently she said she had “118 degree fever” the day before my sons 2nd bday party. Kept telling me over and over again how sad she couldn’t make it then told me I better take lots of pictures. What tipped it over the edge was the day of his birthday (yesterday), I posted a few pictures on Facebook. She proceeded to copy one of the pictures I posted and uploaded it on her Facebook and Instagram wishing him a happy birthday just a few minutes after I posted it. She then texted me hours later asking me to tell my son happy birthday. I finally asked my husband how the hell he has put up with her and how they even got close in the first place and he said they didn’t. She pushed herself on him and he ignores her! For 10 years! I told him I’m confronting her and he said not a good idea. In 4 years I have seen this girl 4 times. Once a year. I know I’m not obligated to be her friend. I don’t know what to do. I’m pregnant again and can’t deal with her stressing me out so much. She has gone full blown obsessed. It’s weird.