My little boy


I'm currently sitting her feeling like rubbish and tears in my eyes. My lovely son is 3 months old & since he ha seen born we have been in hospital 3/4 times , the last two times was because of a UTI. (That was 3 weeks ago). We are currently waiting for tests to see if his has VUR. Recently he has been all over the place, crying a lot, won't be left alone (having to take him ever where otherwise he just screams), feeds a bit off. We took him off his gaviscon as advised, but recently he has been so sickie after feeds, his urnie has been a bit smelly as well. I phoned the doctors and they won't see him for another 2 weeks as they are busy. I'm tempted to phone for an on the day appointment, as I can't leave him like this. Also it's getting me down. Am I being stupid, am I over reacting. Shall I wait for his appointment. Anyway here is my little boy