Boyfriend trouble?!? TMI a little

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 3 months. We didn’t start doing anything until 8 months and it was only him fingering me but I spaced it out like once every month and said I don’t wanna do it really often so it’s not everything we are I still want real feelings you know? But then it became every two weeks. a few months later around a year and a month I have him my first bj and after he loved it but I didn’t and I’ve only done it twice but now it seems like every time he sees me he wants to do something to me or have me do something and I don’t like going down on him and I told him no when he asks and he won’t stop pushing me and pushing me so I have in; it’s like he couldn’t take no for a answer. About a week in a half ago it was our last night before I left for a road trip and he was acting weird. And his mom told him he couldn’t go on a beach trip with his friends so I was guessing that’s why he was acting like that. After that he drove me home and I started to cry because I have anxiety and I can’t help it. He told me to “stop there’s no reason to” and I said “what are you going to get mad at me” and he said “yes”. After that he said he needs time to think so I said okay that’s fine and whatever. Today it’s been 4 days since we’ve talked at all because I decided to give time and see if he’d make an effort , he has posted about his trip and then liked his girl best friends post but never contact me and before then every time I told him i love you or good morning handsome all he’d say is morning or love you too. I really need some advice. He’s never acted like this. My best friend said he doesn’t know what I’m worth, that I should be treated like the queen I am and I’m starting to think he’s right but please anyone please help?!?