Abortion.. pretty long story

Okay so about two years ago, I started seeing someone.. We were getting along so good. I mean he was perfect from what it seems like. So fast forward after a few months of seeing each other, I was staying at his house a lot more. Now he lived a state away, but I was making the drive every weekend to stay the few days I’m off in between me work weeks. And then I’d come home. How mind you, I was on birth control in the beginning. And he knew that. So we were sexually active with each other. So a few months in I lost in health insurance and couldn’t pay for my BC. so I lost it. And I also informed him of that so we could use other forms of protection. (I know you should regardless, I don’t need any negative harping comments on it). So we started using another form of it. Well I’ve never had someone cum inside of me before. Ever. So I don’t know what they feels like. Even with a rubber. So we went to the bar one night and I got pretty drunk. He stayed sober so he could drive home. We had sex. When he finished he quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. I thought he was just taking off the condom and cleaning up. So I had stood up to get my shorts and I noticed something running down my leg. Honestly I thought it was me. So I wiped up showered and went to bed. Well the next weekend I went down I found out I wasn’t the only girl visiting him. So I left him. I grabbed my stuff and left. The next week I found out I was pregnant. So we talked things through, and decided to try again for the child’s sake. So I had started to find out how much of a hypocritical liar he was and I had brought some things to his attention. Well as we argued, (over text) he sent me a message that said “I thought you’d be the perfect girl to start a family with. But I guess I was wrong. I should’ve never taken off that condom and came inside of you.” That hit me so hard that I tried to go out and run my car off the road. I mean I didn’t know how to handle that. I mean I felt so trapped. He wouldn’t talk to me or answer me. He told me he told his parents and they were thrilled and couldn’t wait.. when they never knew. They still don’t. So he came back around trying to work on it again and honestly I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. So we tried to talk and he just kept sending me all these daddy memes and pictures. And then all of the sudden snapped again. Saying the baby wasn’t his. So I really just lost myself. I hit such a deep place, my family ended up paying for an abortion for me. Which turned out to be the biggest frustration. I was still early so they gave me the ru28 pills to cause a miscarriage. They didn’t work. When they found out it didn’t work, they tried to make me keep it. However the child could’ve had horrible health problems. So I went and had a surgical. To this day, the guy doesn’t know I had an abortion. He told me if I even considered it he’s slander my name around the town and make it known that I was a terrible human and a piece of shit. So I told him I was in the hospital and I miscarried. I know this was a while ago but it’s really been on my mind lately. What would y’all have done?

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