Please help me ladies!! Idk wtf to do anymore! 😩


I'm going to try to make this as brief as possible. There is a girl at the store right down the road from our house that flirts with my husband every time we go in there. To the point were it is noticeable to me and to him to I'm pretty damn sure. Well I have told him before how uncomfortable she makes me and that she likes him and it's obvious! Well he just kinda played it off like so? Who cares? Well obviously he does because when I woke up one morning he had a fb msg from her that said nothing but school. When I questioned him about it he denied to know anything about it. Then after prying it out of him he admits that he msged her first saying whats up to which she had just replied school. Weeks later. Or so I had to believe because all of the other msgs had been deleted. I ended up being extremely pissed and he said he wouldnt talk to her again...

Fast forward about 1-2 months later and he makes a post about how he is looking for help at the car wash he manages. She msged him trying to get her room mate a job. Well he told me that she messaged him and he let me read what she was saying and everything. Definitely wasn't happy about it but whatever I guess. Well he ended up hiring the guy. So i decided to look to see if they were still talking and if so about what and lo and behold all of their messages have magically been deleted. 😡Funny how that works huh?? I'm furious now and idk what the fuck to do?!?!😩😩 we have two kids together and our sons 4th birthday is next week and he starts school the beginning of next month.